onsdag den 18. februar 2009

Apollonius fra Rodos

På et Georgisk (Grusisk) web-site finder man denne hyldest til georgisk vin, af Apollonius fra Rodos, han er fra før vor tidsregning!


Many famous poets, writers and travelers describe in their masterpieces Georgia as the land of the antique traditions of vine-growing and wine-making. Among them is Antique author Apollonius of Rhodes, who panegyrics Georgia in his Argonautica in 295 B.C.

“… And close by
garden vines covered with green foliage
were in full bloom, lifted high in air.
And beneath them ran four fountains,
ever-flowing, which Hephaestus had delved out.
One was gushing with milk, one with wine,
while the third flowed with fragrant oil;
and the fourth ran with water,
which grew warm at the setting of the Pleiads,
and in turn at their rising bubbled forth from the hollow rock,
cold as crystal …”


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